Trigger Power Automate Flow On Change OF Business Process Flow Stage (BPF). 

In this blogs we will see how a Power Automate Flow can be triggered on change of a BPF (Business Process Flow Stage) with in Dynamics 365 CRM. 

So Let’s begin.. 

Every business process flow with in the dynamics 365 CRM instance has an entity related to it see the below example of the Opportunity Sales Process Flow

In the below solution I have added the Sales Process BPF (Which is the Opportunity Sales Process BPF ) and the entity related to this BFP gets automatically added into the solution. 

If we do an advance find over this BFP entity, you will see that for every Opportunity entity record an Opportunity Sales Process entity record is created which holds the data shown in the below image. 

  1. Opportunity Field – Denotes the Lookup to the related Opportunity Record. 
  2. Active Stage  Field – Denotes Process Stage information which is currently active on the related Opportunity. 

Now whenever a stage changes on an Opportunity the Opportunity Sales Process entity record related to the Opportunity changes. See below example. 

Opportunity is on Develop Stage —> The active stage field on the Opportunity Sales Process entity will show Develop. 

Now that the Opportunity is moved to Propose stage the Active Stage shows Propose. 

Power Automate Flow. 


Now for our Power Automate flow will be when the Opportunity Sales Process entity is updated (Business process flow entity). 

To get the stage name you need to retrieve the Process Stage as it is a lookup in the BPF entity. 


When you change your BPF stage the Active Stage in the BPF will be updated the flow will be triggered. 

Hope this helps 😊! 

Relate D365 CRM Records with Power Automate Relate Rows Action 

Relating records like accounts, contact etc are easier with entity lookup fields sub-grids and many more options. But in case of entities like notes, emails and other activity entities this becomes a bit of a tricky business. 

In this blog we will see how we can relate records in power automate flow using the relate a row Dataverse action. 

Let’s consider an example – I will be relating an email entity record with an opportunity. 

Get the email record in the relate rows add the Table name which you want to record the reports to in this case it is Opportunity, close the relationship in the Relationship fields ( You will get the list of all the entity relations related to opportunity ) 

Add the OData Id from the record you want to relate with in this case it is email. 

I have just show relating single record you can use this to add multiple records. 


Hope this helps 😊! 

Dataverse lookup references done correctly in Power Automate to avoid (Resource not found for the segment provided in the URL) Error

Error : (URL was not parsed due to an ODataUnrecognizedPathException. Resource not found for the segment provided in the URL.) 

While working with Power Automate Flows Dataverse connector many of you guys must have received the above error. This is a common issue which users make while referencing lookups in Power Automate.  

In this blog let’s see how we can get rid of this issue the correct way. 

What will cause the issue if you are incorrectly referencing the lookups for example see the below image. I have just passed the unique ID of contact in the Primary Contact lookup field reference. 


If you are just adding the contacts unique ID in the look up field you will definitely get the error. 


Correct way to do this is by using OData Id of the record which you want to set in the lookup. 

Submit Attachments Over 1GB Through MS Forms 

One limitation while working with MS forms is the 1 GB limit on file submission through the forms. Many of you guys must be using Forms to get files from users or clients outside your organizations and those files can be over 1GB. 

In this blog I will show you how you can let users submit files over 1 GB through MS Forms. So let’s being.. 


MS Form stores all the files onto your one drive, One drive also offers a feature called “Request Files” using which you can create a shareable link to a one drive folder in which anyone with the link can upload files and it has no limit over the size of the file.  

So instead of using the forms upload file feature we will be using shareable link from the Request File feature on the form using which users will be able to submit documents of any size. Let’s see how to do this. 

Create Shareable link to a one drive folder using Request File Feature. 

  1. Go to your – and sign in to your one drive. 
  2. Under my files you can use any existing folder or create a new folder. 
  3. Select that folder and click on Request Files button.  
  1. Using this button you will be able to create a global shareable link to that folder which anyone can access (People will only be able to submit documents through this link they won’t be able to see any data within your folder or your one drive). 

Copy this link and save it we will be using this link in our MS form. 

Create MS Form. 

  1. Go to and create a form. 
  2. Now add a choice type of field change it to a dropdown and enable subtitle for this field, in the sub title add the shareable to the one drive folder which we created in the earlier steps. (I am used a URL shortened the original URL using an online URL shortener tool). 

You can add the link as you want on the form you can also add it in your sections sub title (Both these are just examples or ideas of how you can show users this link.) 

  1. Once your form is ready publish the form. 

Stored attachments in one drive. 

  1. Now one the user clicks on the they will see the below screen. User will have to fill their first name and last name.  
  1. Every file submitted by user is stored in the below format – {User First Name}_{User Last name}_{File Extension}. 

Note: this link is only valid for 30 days at max you will have to change this link every 30 days.

Hope this helps 😊!

Migrate Power Apps Portal (Power Page) Records  

I had a record to migrate only a few site settings, table permissions, web page and a few other portal records from UAT to production environment, as I wanted to only migrate a certain module on production and not the whole UAT portal only option I could think of is moving the Portal components & records to production. 

Now creating all the records manually is a lot of efforts, so I searched if there is any tool in the XRM tool and I found this amazing tool – Portal Records Mover. 

In this blog I will show you how to migrate your power apps portal records using the Portal Record Mover tool. 

Let’s Begin… 

First step is to install the XRM tool box, connect it to your environment and install the Security Roles Sync tool. 

I have explained how you can install the XRM tool box, how to connect your D365 environment in the XRM tool box and how to install tools in the XRM tool box in the linked blog which is on another interesting and time saving XRM tool box tool, so do check out the blog – Import / Transfer Data between D365 CRM single instance and cross instance environments seamlessly with only a few clicks. 

Once you are done connecting and installing the tool in the XRM tool box Follow the below steps to migrate your records. 

Step 1: First Connect with your source environment it will appear on the top left of the tool which is shown by an arrow pointing to the left in the below image. 

Step 2: Click on items –> this will load all the portal related entities like web pages, web roles. 

Step 3: Select any item –> Select the appropriate date filter, Select your Portal in the Get record from website and click on Retrieve records.This will give you the list of all the records based on the portal you selected and your filters. 

Step 4:  Now just hit Transfer record button to transfer the record the tool will prompt you to connect to your target environment once connect it will show in the top right on the tool as shown by the arrow pointing to right in the above image. 

Outputs: Once completed the tool will prompt you with a success message. 

Hope this helps 😊! 

Check which model driven apps a user can access using the app access checker. 

Model-driven apps in Dynamics CRM provide a powerful platform for creating custom business applications without extensive coding. These apps leverage a flexible data model, pre-built components, and a rich user interface to enable rapid development and deployment 

In this blog let’s see how we can check which apps a specific user has access to using the App Access Checker in 4 simple steps. 

Step 1 : Go to Power Platform Admin Center 

select the environment in which you want to assign roles to the user and click on view details. 

Step 2 : In the access section under users click see all you will get the list of all the users within the environment. 

Step 3: Just above the user list you will see the link to the app access check click on link it will redirect you to the app access checker screen. 

Step 4: On the top left you can either search the user by the email address or users guid –> hit search and you will get a list of all the apps  under the apps you will see the  3 access parameters. 

Visible – YES indicates the app is visible to the searched user. 

License – Indicates if the user has appropriate license to ass the app. 

Security – Indicates if the user has appropriate security role to access the app. 

Hope this helps 😊!

Assign Security Roles to users through Power Platform Admin Center 

Security roles in Dynamics 365 CRM control user access to data and functionality. They define permissions and privileges for actions and data access. Roles consist of privileges, access levels, and record-based privileges. They can be assigned to users or teams, ensuring data integrity and compliance. 

In this blog let’s see how we can assign security roles to users though the Power Platform Admin Center an 3 simple steps. 

Let’s begin..  

Make sure you are doing this with a system admin account. 

Step 1 : Go to Power Platform Admin Center 

select the environment in which you want to assign roles to the user and click on view details. 

Step 2 : In the access section under users click see all you will get the list of all the users within the environment. 

Step 3: Select any user and click on Manage Security Roles you will get a list of all the security roles within the environment select the role which you want to assign and hit save. 

Hope this helps 😊! 

Update any number of entity records in dynamics CRM using Microsoft Excel Online 

There are many ways to update multiple records of a dynamics CRM entity, in this blog let’s see one of the easiest and faster way to do it that is by using excel online. 

Let’s consider an example, let’s say you have a fixed number of account records and you manually want to update the  account number. 

Step 1 : Go to the entity’s home page who’s records you want to update. 

Step 2: On the All Accounts view (or any view) click on edit columns and add the columns as which you want to update in my case it is Account Number. 

Step 2 : Once your view is ready click on Export to Excel Button on the top left and select Open in excel online. 

Step 3:  This will open all your accounts in an excel sheet in a pop up window. 

Step 4 : Now you just need to update the columns which you want to update and hit save (I am adding all the account numbers). 

Step 6: You will get a Popup about your data being submitted for import, hit Track Progress. 

Step 7: You will see your data has being submitted for updating and is parsing. (It will take couple of minutes to hours depending upon the amount of data you have submitted keep refreshing to see the progress of the records). 

Step 8: Once the import job is completed you will see how many records where created successfully and how many failed or partially failed. You can open the import job and check failed entries, correct the entries and re-import  (All my reports where successfully updates) 

Failed records (Sample from some older imports) 

All the successfully parsed records will be updated in your system. 

Before Update:  

After Update:  

Hope this helps !😊 

Sync Security Roles of a D365 CRM user with another user

White configuring a dynamics 365 environment multiple users can have same security roles and assigning the same security roles to multiple users can be an error inducing & time consuming activity. 

But in the world of dynamics 365 there are always quick and simple workarounds for everything, In this blog I will show you how you can Sync security roles of a user with another users using the Security Roles Sync tool in the XRMToolBox, with this tool you will not have to keep assigning the same roles all the users instead you can just assign the roles to a single user and then sync the roles of all the other users with this user.  

Let’s Begin… 

First step is to install the XRM Tool Box, connect it to your environment and install the Security Roles Sync tool. 

I have explained how you can install the XRM Tool Box, how to connect your D365 environment in the XRM Tool Box and how to install tools in the XRM Tool Box in the linked blog which is on another interesting and time saving XRM Tool Box tool, so do check out the blog – Import / Transfer Data between D365 CRM single instance and cross instance environments seamlessly with only a few clicks. 

Once you are done connecting and installing the tool in the XRMToolBox you need to select the Source User & Target User and hit Sync Security Role button. 

Once sync is complete your Target User will have the same security roles as the Source User 

Hope this helps 😊! 

Create a One Note For Emails Marked as Important – Power Automate Flow Template. 

I found an interesting flow template today (Create a quick note for important Emails). 

Many a time you need to reference important emails from the past and you might have to spend some time finding those emails I your folders, A quick and an efficient way to this problem is adding those emails in a OneNote. 

This flow template automatically adds the email body & the subject  of all the important emails you receive in your office 365 inbox into a OneNote page, Having all the important emails at one place and sequentially tracked can save a lot of time finding them when needed. 

So let’s see how we can configure this Power Automate Flow template. 

Power Automate Flow Setup 

Step 1: Go to 

Step 2: Select the appropriate Environment in which you want to create the flow. 

Step 3: In the template section search for (Create a quick note for important Emails). 

Step 4: Once you open the template you will see the below screen -> Provide appropriate connections for the mentioned connectors and hit Create Flow. 

Step 5: After a few minutes of loading you will see the newly created flows details screen, click on edit flow. 

Step 6: The below image is the basic flow which the template will create. 

Default Flow Run Output 

This flow runs when you receive an email which is marked as important in your mail box and it will add the subject into the Quick Notes sections of the default OneNote of that environment. 

Updated Default Flow 

You can use the default flow, I updated the flow to send the all the important marked emails to the One Not Section Important Emails below are the screenshot of the updated flow. The Power automate action I used here is a OneNote action (Create page in a section). 


Hope this helps 😊!